I'm not much of a singer but I do sing in the shower. I love the title of this wreath "O that I had a thousand voices." The simplicity of childhood. Really so sweet. I made two different designs to choose from. Plus lots of fun stuff in the works.
For Christmas I was a mad person. I decided to make my friends some yummy crepes as gifts. Now in California most people don't eat crepes or really have any idea what to do with them. I just tell people to think of it as a tortilla. I make a low fat wheat crepe. It's so easy. I freeze them and re-heat them in my toaster oven.
1 cup of low fat milk
3/4 cup of wheat flour
1 egg
1 egg white
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 to 1 teaspoon stevia
Mix the milk and egg together and whisk slightly. Don't over do it or it will get foamy. Now add the rest of the ingredients. I suggest letting your mix chill one hour in the refrigerator. You can use an egg pan to make these, it's kinda like a flat pancake. I use my ice cream scooper as my measurement for 1 crepe. You can make about 12 crepes. I let them cool then stack them with parchment or wax paper and freeze them. Enjoy! Bon Appetit
This is my little peanut. She turns 11 next month a few days before Valentines Day. She really liked posing for this silhouette. But she smiled for the camera and that's a no no for silhouettes.
Can you believe I've been thinking about Easter. I just love the colors. I've got a few new designs. I changed my tulip art about 10 different times probably took me 3 days just to get that one the way I like it. Well, I sold a few wreaths and got on the front page of Etsy. I'm forever grateful to the Etsy folks. Plus an email from a magazine. Yes, I'm going to featured in a nation wide magazine soon. More on that soon. Please if you leave a comment please let me know the design you like the best. Keep praying for those in Haiti and for those who are going to help. Join pink saturday! http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ Blessings, DE
I just love all the little art petals. I haven't glued it down yet. Just a little more to add and ponder. I made a new heart the other day. It's similar to a vintage crest you would see in France. I should list this on Etsy this week.